When I first started looking for crayfish pages on the Web, there were just a few to find. Now there are dozens, if not more. Some are good. Some are excellent. Some you might as well forget about. On this Web page I will add links to some of those crayfish sites that have given me interesting information. If you haven't already done so, just go to search engine GOOGLE and you will find myriads of crayfish pages. And don't forget to click on Google's image pages for pictures of these interesting creatures. Good Luck.
Atlas Publications
Atlas Publications produces several unusual books for homesteaders and others interested in learning how to farm giant freshwater American or Australian crayfish-on a small or large scale, or how to build and/or install an Atlas Ram Pump and how one works.
Visit Atlas Publications at
Of course I tend to favor Scandinavian web sites that cater to crayfish in one way or another. Skandland is a web site that handles Swedish and Scandinavian products of all sorts but they also talk at length about my favorite subject - KRAFTOR.
Trappy Products
My source for the Trappy and other crayfish trap is in Sweden. Take a look at their interesting web site - both in Swedish and in English - to see what else they have in addition to crayfish traps. Among many other articles and videos you'll find some Swedish crayfish recipes.
Blue Crayfish
Here is another good crayfish link that specializes in blue crayfish. Bob Adams tells you a lot of what he knows about all sorts of crayfish and also has some interesting links. Try it.
Crayfish Party
Out on the West Coast is a Swedish descendant who also likes crayfish. He specializes in supplying signal crayfish cooked in the Swedish tradition.
There is something called Reciprocal Linking. This is like, if you scratch my back I'll scratch yours. So, if you want to add a link to my page on yours, I will add a link to yours on mine. This is supposed to increase the chance of being found on the search engines, something most of us like.